Legal Entity

Pausa Impar Lda is the legal entity behind the retreat “Casa dos Cogumelos”, with registration number 515537152, (hereinafter referred to as Casa dos Cogumelos).


Booking Conditions

Reservations made are subject to availability and confirmation of payment.

To confirm the reservation, the guest must make the respective payment, in accordance with the provisions for each accommodation. The values ​​of the reservation rates, deposit, cleaning fee or others, are those announced at each moment at the page of each accommodation.

All prices include VAT at the legal rate in force.


Payment options

Payment for reservations can be made by American Express, Visa or MasterCard credit card.



Upon completion of the reservation, the reservation holder will receive an email and/or a SMS from Casa dos Cogumelos with the reservation’s confirmation and with important explanations about the accommodation.

Guests will be asked to complete an Accommodation Bulletin which is of the utmost importance for the preparation of the stay.

The Accommodation Bulletin will request namely the time of arrival, the total number of people staying – so that we can provide the right amount of bed linen and bath towels – as well as mandatory information regarding foreign and border services.

Guests must indicate the exact number of people in the Accommodation Bulletin. The number of guests specified in the reservation cannot exceed the number of guests present at the accommodation. If the number of guests exceeds the limit, Casa dos Cogumelos reserves the right to require guests to leave the accommodation without any compensation or refund of fees paid.

Casa dos Cogumelos cannot assume any responsibility for the incorrect or non-filling of the Accommodation Bulletin.

Any attempt to alter and/or violate the original information will invalidate the Accommodation Bulletin and will be subject to cancellation of the reservation.


Cancellation policy

After confirming the reservation, the following fees will apply in case of cancellation:

a) The guest will pay 50% of the total amount of the reservation, in case of cancellation up to 30 days before check-in.

b) The guest will pay 100% of the total amount of the reservation, in case of cancellation less than 30 days before the check-in date.


Stay conditions

The reservation holder must be at least 18 years old and must stay in the accommodation booked for the entire stay. Guests under 18 can only be accommodated if accompanied by an adult who is the holder of the reservation.

The reservation holder must provide a valid address, a telephone contact and an email address.

No pets (of any race, size, or age) are allowed in Casa dos Cogumelos accommodation. Casa dos Cogumelos reserves the right to require guests to leave the accommodation without any compensation or refund of fees paid if an animal is found.

Smoking is not permitted inside the house, however outside the guests can do it.

Under the terms of article 45 no. 1 (a) of the Convention for the Application of the Schengen Agreement, the accommodation of foreign citizens must be communicated to the foreign and border services, thereby understanding all those who are not Portuguese nationals.

For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, all guests with foreign nationality must provide all information regarding their identification, up to the maximum period of the check-in date, through the Accommodation Bulletin.

Guests must notify Casa dos Cogumelos of any damage to the accommodation, contents, equipment, or accessories that occurs during their stay, even if the guest considers the damage to be regular wear and tear and not their fault. If the guest does not notify Casa dos Cogumelos of such damages, can be held responsible for them.


Additional Services

Casa dos Cogumelos offers several additional services to guests, which have an extra cost, such as extra cleaning, massage services, amongst others. All additional services are carried out on request and are subject to availability confirmation.

Casa dos Cogumelos is not responsible for any services provided by external suppliers.


Check-in and Check-out

Upon check-in, identification documents of the person responsible for the reservation, as well as all foreign guests, will be requested for the purpose of confirming the information provided.

Unless otherwise agreed, the accommodation will be occupied on the check-in date between 16:00 and 20:00.

In case of late check-in – after 20:00 – check-in express service may be provided, and the guest must confirm this possibility in advance with Casa dos Cogumelos. The express check-in service depends on the prior full Accommodation Bulletin being filled by the guests.

Check-out is until 11:00 am and all guests must leave the accommodation by the scheduled time. Guests are kindly requested to inform the desired check-out time so that a Casa dos Cogumelos team member can be present.

If a Casa dos Cogumelos member is not able to show up at checkout time, the guest can leave the keys at the main table in the dining room and close the door. The guest should NOT leave the keys in the door lock.

If the guest refuses to leave, Casa dos Cogumelos reserves the right to enter the accommodation, remove their belongings, change the locks, and also take other measures that may be necessary. (The guest will be responsible for the costs of any such action).

Any changes to the dates and times of departure and entry must be confirmed by Casa dos Cogumelos. If there are delays, Casa dos Cogumelos may have the right to charge the a fee corresponding to the one-night rate.

At check-in, Casa dos Cogumelos provides only ONE set of keys, and guests should be careful not to lose or leave it inside the apartment. Guests must return all keys upon check-out.

Additional fees will be charged for lost keys or lockouts. Fees are charged as follows:

Lost Keys (price per key) – 50 euros

If it is necessary to hire a locksmith service, the guest will be responsible for the total amount charged by the service provider. The service provider fee is based on complexity, materials, time spent, and other variables.

Casa dos Cogumelos is not responsible for any item left inside the apartment after the guest’s departure. Any belongings found in the apartment can be returned on request. The guest is fully responsible for all expenses related to the process of returning their belongings.


Cleaning, sheets and towels

Accommodation will be cleaned before guests arrive. Casa dos Cogumelos basic service includes a set of towels, bed linens and some toiletries for each booking.

Additional cleaning services and products, including linen and towel change, are available for an additional fee.

Guests must keep the accommodation as organized and clean as possible, delivering it at check-out in the best cleaning conditions so that Casa dos Cogumelos can receive the next guest.

Guests should not leave the trash inside the accommodation, if possible they should take the trash with them to the nearest public trash can, which is 300 meters from the house. A trash can is also available on the property, near the area where cars are parked. 


Equipment, furniture and accommodation items

If a device does not work, or if guests are unsure how to use any equipment in the accommodation, the guest should contact the host in charge of Casa dos Cogumelos. Changes to the accommodation or its contents are not permitted.

All items found in the accommodation belong to Casa dos Cogumelos and should not be moved or removed from the property during the stay.


Maintenance and special requests

Any and all problems within the accommodation (e.g., electrical problems, equipment malfunction, water leaks) should be immediately reported to Casa dos Cogumelos by email or telephone. Depending on the problem, the resolution can take up to 72 hours or more if it depends on third-party services.

While respecting guest privacy, Casa dos Cogumelos reserves the right to access accommodation at any time, if necessary, for inspections, reparations, and emergencies.

A baby cot can be requested in advance but can be limited to availability at the moment.


Noise, Illegal Activity, Security

According to the law, the night rest period is between 10 pm and 8 am, so guests must remain silent.

Guests should not disturb the neighbors as others guests may be staying in the other accommodations inside the property.

Reservations for illegal or immoral activities are not accepted. Reservations for the promotion of products or services are also not accepted without the consent of Casa dos Cogumelos.

The guest whose name is in the booking confirmation email will be responsible for the behavior of the entire group and so agrees to avoid all illegal activity.

Guests are not authorized to invade the owner’s privacy or publish something that may allow third parties to identify the property’s address or the identity of the owner (even if such information is already in the public domain).

Guests are solely responsible for their own safety during their stay with Casa dos Cogumelos. Guests should listen to any instruction or explanation provided by Casa dos Cogumelos upon check-in.

If a guest becomes aware of something during their stay that they believe is a health and safety risk, they should immediately inform Casa dos Cogumelos. When leaving the accommodation, guests must make sure that they leave the electrical appliances turned off, the windows closed, and also the central heating and the lights off.

The property is quite extensive, and there are areas that are off-limits to guests as they are currently undergoing planning, maintenance, or restoration, posing potential risks to individuals. It is strictly prohibited to trespass fences, ropes, and/or protective barriers, especially in areas where circulation is explicitly prohibited.



Casa dos Cogumelos service is legally limited to the accommodation and relationship with guests during the stay. Casa dos Cogumelos will not be liable for any occurrences outside the boundaries of the property, exterior noise, construction, neighbors, or any other matter not directly related to the accommodation itself. The property is quite extensive, and there are areas that are off-limits to guests as they are currently undergoing planning, maintenance, or restoration, posing potential risks to individuals. It is strictly prohibited to trespass fences, ropes, and/or protective barriers, especially in areas where circulation is explicitly prohibited, and Casa dos Cogumelos will not be liable for any occurrences with guests in these areas.

Photos and descriptions of the accommodations are produced by Casa dos Cogumelos. Minor changes in accommodation can occur in relation to the photos on the site, without compromising their general condition or amenities.

Casa dos Cogumelos will not compensate guests, refund fees, or transfer guests to other accommodation based on their appearance or surroundings. It is the responsibility of the guests to ensure, before booking, that the area or neighborhood they choose to stay in is to their liking.

Casa dos Cogumelos is not responsible for any damages caused, directly or indirectly, that may occur during the guests stay in the accommodation, such as personal injury, robbery, theft or criminal behavior, losses due to fire or misconduct, etc. The same applies in relation to any deficiencies in the supply of electricity, water, telephone, or internet.

All robberies, thefts or any criminal behavior must be reported by guests immediately to Casa dos Cogumelos, as well as to the competent police or judicial authorities.

Casa dos Cogumelos is not responsible for potential delays, accidents, losses or changes in schedules or rates that are related to the services of our suppliers. Casa dos Cogumelos is not responsible for errors and/or omissions, false statements by third parties, disputes between a guest and a third party, or for the content of external links other than the one in which the booking was made.

In the event that guests do not comply with these terms and conditions, or in the event of misconduct on the part of guests, Casa dos Cogumelos reserves the right to require them to leave the accommodation without any compensation or reimbursement of the fees paid.


Legislation and fortuitous events

This agreement is concluded between guests and Casa dos Cogumelos, which is duly authorized to arrange the rental of the accommodation. This agreement gives guests permission to occupy the accommodation during the period and in the agreed terms.

Guests are not tenants of the accommodation and do not hold sole ownership of the accommodation. In the rare event that a reserved accommodation becomes unavailable due to damage caused by any circumstances not attributable to Casa dos Cogumelos, such as water leaks and/or other circumstances, Casa dos Cogumelos will not be liable for the inconvenience caused, however, it will take all necessary steps to solve the problem and, if possible, move the guest to accommodation with similar characteristics.

If guests do not accept the change, the total amount (excluding costs related to the days on which the apartment was used by the guest, if applicable) will be refunded, but Casa dos Cogumelos will not be liable to guests for any additional amount in connection with the cancellation of the reservation. Casa dos Cogumelos will not be responsible for the possible theft of objects left in the accommodation.


Amendments and Applicable Law

Casa dos Cogumelos reserves the right to update its terms and conditions at any time as necessary. It is the responsibility of the parties that use Casa dos Cogumelos service to review these terms and conditions in the event of a change before making a reservation.

By agreeing to use Casa dos Cogumelos service it is understood that the guest accepts any changes and that all parties will comply with those changes. These terms and conditions do not affect guests’ rights.

These terms and conditions are subject to Portuguese law. The Portuguese Courts have exclusive jurisdiction in case of legal action relating to any accommodation reservation with Casa dos Cogumelos.